Perhaps you like the melodious jazz of the roaring twenties, maybe you listen to golden oldies from the equally golden sixties (well, okay, not very likely), or possibly you get your kicks from the best of the eighties (which, according to some, includes Duran Duran)... But should you prefer the likes of Beyoncé and 50 Cent, then, apart from pitying you, I wonder how you might refer to the decade we're currently living in. According to
Wikipedia, who also refer to a
BBC News article, the wordhunt has been settled in favour of The Noughties (or The Noughts), at least in the UK and Australia. And indeed, on the very last
Top of the Pops about a week ago on BBC television, after the hits from sixties, the seventies, the eighties and the nineties came those from the noughties. Not so for
the US, however, where the word 'nought' is apparently never used to refer to zero...